Saturday, February 23, 2008

Scissor-tail and Orange-fronted Parakeet, Santa Ana

Sitting on my back porch this morning in Pozos Santa Ana, spotted a scissor-tail flycatcher, Gray-crowned Yellowthroat, Orange-fronted Parakeets (8), Ruby-throated Humingbirds, and Broad-winged Hawk. Also in the evening, a Yellow-naped Parrot roosted in trees behind house. This happens irregulary but at least every other month. I have no idea if it is an escaped cage bird or not (probalby). I saw another yellow-naped fly overhead near HSBC bank in Santa Ana just 20 minutes earlier.

Also I had a fun several hours of birding at the Nogal Private Reserve (Chiquita) in Sarapaqui this Thursday. Next time I'm there I will get a GPS reading. Nothing rare but saw 77 species and enjoyed seeing Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher, Blue-Black Grosbecks, and group of 6 Green Ibises.

1 comment:

Sebastián Bonilla said...

Un amigo que vive en San Miguel de Turrúcares, Alajuela, me contó que el año pasado vió por varios días una pareja de loras nuca amarilla (Amazona auropalliata)que sobrevolaban la finca. Lo hacían en una dirección en la mañana y regresaban durante la tarde utilizando la misma ruta pero en sentido contrario. Tampoco se conoce bien su origen.
Turrúcares queda a aproximádamente 15 Km en línea recta de Santa Ana. Quién sabe si habrá alguna relación?